Jpeg Style

Whatever I do, I do not want to pick around with my photographs. I want what is good, and I don't want to fight for it. I have discovered good things, and the best way to use them is to remember them.

With these mantras I will proceed. Big to me means large enough to enjoy well. Good color means Jpeg. Good quality means doing it like I do.

image: Girls

Look at the picture. Isn't it lovely? It's a copy of "Girls," a picture I was lucky enough to take in Dallas a few weeks ago. I can already tell that it's going to be one of my favorites. But how did I make it look so good here? How did I keep it so small and still so beautiful?

The final result is a photograph only 8,334 bytes.


image: 72px image: -q90

Which two are better?

image: 100px image: -q90

The second.

Think about it: The second set is large enough that you don't to squint, don't need perfect eyes, and most of all, you don't need the quality of the picture on the right just to make out the hands. The larger image is good enough even at low quality.

Real pictures to download and use

Make it nice. I would like a picture at least 640 pixels in the long dimension, and I would like a link to it, not to another HTML page with it inside of it.

% pnmscale -xysize 640 640


I really like seeing pictures on the Internet. Anything, everything, the whole world adores pictures.

I want to make mine as adorable as possible, because a bad picture is bad.