Aw, shucks, I can't give you what you want. Yeah, all links are boring and not what you want because you want whatever whenever--because you want what you want.

Notes: I suggest that links among a website (,, be related by an initial link to itself--it cleans up copyright problems and friendliness. Also, I suggest that you don't provide links in a tree to other branches--you should click back to maintain a history file that doesn't make nonsense. (For example, in a list of JavaScript tests you shouldn't cross-link them, to force a user to negotiate and re-run all 20 tests to find the index; it is pretty and more friendly to use the useful Back button--and it organizes life pretty well.)

If I don't add a link each day, it's bad. Why? :-) Probably because I look at at least one link a day--therefore I am looking at bad links if I haven't added them. :-) Sort of. (Or if they weren't bad, why didn't I add them?)

Of course, the thing about links is that, once you have enough of them, then when you are awfully bored you can go through them all, and something has got to have been invented, updated, or announced in one of them--we all hope.



Operating systems



Look at software.

I suppose that page is too large to be useful, so I have some actual software that's good.

Mac OS X software expertise.

Stupid school links, but better than worse



Sorry folks, I'm just spending time throwing links and things in here for fun and good.

Goofy Google results (that I haven't visited, and I have to disconnect)

# I CAN'T persuade myself to delete anything.
things I think to check on
qmail run mac os x
release canon printers

Network providers.

I found this really cool One (Tech) Girl when doing paid research for "One Tech." She's smart, and she's right that her name is better than Usability Girl. I think it was a pervert's thinking that motivated someone to tell her otherwise.

SSL Certificates. This place is great.

Download now. Or "Software and other things to resume downloading."

I should say I'm glad I have what you want--now you've been so nice to want it.

I'm embarrassed of it.

The interesting thread of links:

You look at a compiler (gcc), which builds software; you look at an operating system (FreeBSD), which is great.

Look at motherboards (nVidia, MSI (maybe)), then buy yourself hard drives (Seagate).
